Login Recovery
I can't remember my password
Please enter your email, and we will send you a link to reset your password:
I can't remember my email
There is not much we can do then...
You can always create a new account and start afresh. Nothing's better than a fresh new start in life ;)
I don't have access to this email address anymore
create a new account with your new email address, and then contact our support staff and ask for your accounts to be merged.
You will need you to provide a proof of purchase, and we will contact your old email address to check that it doesn't deny this transfer.
I'm trying to create an account, but it says I need to click on a link I should have received
Did you spell your email address correctly?
If yes, and you still didn't receive an email with the link, look if it might be in your spam box.
Please enter your email, and we will send you a link to reset your password:
I can't remember my email
There is not much we can do then...
You can always create a new account and start afresh. Nothing's better than a fresh new start in life ;)
I don't have access to this email address anymore
create a new account with your new email address, and then contact our support staff and ask for your accounts to be merged.
You will need you to provide a proof of purchase, and we will contact your old email address to check that it doesn't deny this transfer.
I'm trying to create an account, but it says I need to click on a link I should have received
Did you spell your email address correctly?
If yes, and you still didn't receive an email with the link, look if it might be in your spam box.